Dear Netizen,
It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you to our Corporate Website that showcases the multifaceted institution that is HMT. We thank you for the interest shown in visiting www.hmtindia.com.We take you through the diversity of our Products & Services that makes us a major Engineering Conglomerate.HMT’s India portrays our Multi Unit, Multi Location, Multi Product & Multi Technology characteristic.In our journey through the decades, since 1953, the year of inception, we received many accolades as we grew up to a pre-eminent position in the Indian Industrial Landscape. All this About Us is depicted here.The Subsidiaries of HMT comprise products that bear similarity in technology-market characteristics. They are under the ambit of the holding company, which also oversees the operations of Tractors Business.The Directors’ Report details our performances as part of Financial Information which also contains extract of 10 years’ financial highlights of HMT Limited, HMT Machine Tools Ltd and HMT (International) Ltd.Photographs and information abound in Special Events as also extracts from our various in-house magazines.Should you need any further information please get in touch with us. We welcome suggestions through our Feedback Forms.We urge you to visit our other Related Sites for more and much more information regarding us.Do Contact Us at any of the addresses and we will be glad to respond to you.
Thank you once again